The last few decades haven't been easy, legally, for same-sex couples. Until the Supreme Court legalized same-sex unions throughout the nation, people in same-sex relationships often had to navigate a maze of laws that could vary greatly depending on where they were...
Your Lawyers For Life
Year: 2017
Hit the lottery? Talk to a trust attorney before you celebrate
If you've ever bought a lottery ticket, you've probably fantasized about what you'd do the minute you got that multimillion-dollar check.That fantasy probably didn't include visiting a lawyer's office, but it's one of the first things you should probably actually do...
If you think your parent’s guardian is abusive, get legal help
Even the federal government has acknowledged the sickening reality: legal guardians of seniors, including those appointed by the state, are often financially abusive to their wards.It's hardly surprising when the system is set up to be financially motivating and puts...
Leaving your money to your heirs: Tips you need to know
If you've worked hard, acquired some nice things and saved a bit, you'd probably like to know that someone will benefit from those things after you're gone.However, it isn't always easy to sort through the intricacies of the way that different funds and assets are...
What’s the role of a health care agent and how do you choose one?
There are two very important things no estate plan should be without: the designation of someone to be your agent for health care (also known as the person who holds your medical power of attorney) and your living will.Living wills are provided free by hospitals...
Get help to prove a valid foreign marriage for estate purposes
The problem for many couples married overseas before coming to Florida is that the United States is stricter than many parts of the world about getting government-sanctioned permission for a wedding. In many countries, a couple's marriage is strictly a private affair...
Should you rewrite your will or add a codicil?
The odds are high that the first will you write won't be your last -- especially if you do things the way that you're supposed to and prepare a will while you're still fairly young. Over time, it is probably going to become necessary to change at least some of the...
Parents of murdered teen seek estate access to sue for her death
The biological mother and father of a teenage girl who was the victim of a gruesome murder are now asking a Pennsylvania court to make them the administrators of her estate.That's the only way that the girl's biological parents can gain the legal standing that they...
What do you do with a will after you write it?
Once you've finally gotten around to writing your will, what do you do with it?A will won't do any good unless someone knows that it exists and where to find it -- but at the same time, you may not be comfortable placing it directly in the hands of one of your heirs,...
Judge rescinds multimillion dollar contract with Prince’s estate
Complications with high-value estates can make for ugly turns of events in courtroom battles. There's no exception just because the deceased is one of the most famous musicians of our time.The musician Prince, who was fiercely in control of his artistic catalog while...