For many people, a large part of the purpose of a will is to make sure that their estate is distributed the way that they want it to be distributed. Unfortunately, fights between surviving relatives over who was given more than their fair share or who was denied what...
Your Lawyers For Life
Year: 2016
Keeping elders safe from estate fraud
Legitimate estate planning is something that everyone can use as a vehicle both to grow their wealth and to protect it for their heirs once they are gone.However, scam artists frequently feed on the fears of elderly people, who worry both about running out of money to...
Challenging a power of attorney
A power of attorney is a document that's designed to give someone else the authority to act on your behalf when you aren't able to do so for some reason. It isn't uncommon for an older person to give a power of attorney to a son, daughter, niece or nephew. The POA...
Who is responsible for the debts of the deceased?
Debt is an almost inescapable part of modern life—and many people leave behind significant debts when they die. It usually isn't long before the bill collectors start to call on surviving family members, hoping to collect.This is when it helps to know your...
In the hands of strangers: Guardianship disputes harm elders
It isn't uncommon for adult children or other relatives to dispute who knows (or wants) what's best for an elderly relative. When that happens, the elder in question can end up being the one harmed the most, and nobody may be happy with the results.If family members...
A common-law marriage isn’t what it used to be in Pennsylvania
Do you think that you're protected in the event of your spouse's death through a common-law marriage in Pennsylvania? If so, think again.A Pennsylvania widow is now just the girlfriend of the deceased, at least as far as the law is concerned. The Superior Court, which...
What does the term “fiduciary” mean in estate planning?
Estate planning discussions contain a lot of terminology, which may be confusing to people unfamiliar with legalese. Before getting started on your question, you first need to know that if you are working with an estate planning attorney, he or she will be glad to...
Don’t be afraid to challenge a will if something feels wrong
When a loved one dies, it is often difficult to cope with the circumstances of the death. Most people feel a crippling sense of loss at the beginning and just want to get through the legal issues as quickly as possible. Sometimes, after the initial surge of grief...
Determining if you are the right choice for estate administration
To Pennsylvania residents without a lot of knowledge about estate administration, it may seem like a simple task. In reality, just the opposite is true. Serving as an estate administrator is nearly always a complicated undertaking. While you may feel honored that...
Avoiding fraud against seniors with durable powers of attorney
It is one of the great ironies of life that by the time a person needs help, they may be too far gone to ask for it. Such is the case for one of the most vulnerable groups of people in Philadelphia, and indeed in the country. The elderly are at high risk for financial...