As the last few days of 2015 approach, many Philadelphia residents are considering whether they need to take any steps to address their financial needs. In terms of estate planning, the end of each year is a great time to review the existing plan and make any...
Your Lawyers For Life
Year: 2015
Avoiding conflict surrounding trusts and inheritance
Many Philadelphia residents will spend a great deal of time and effort constructing their estate plans. The end results will be comprehensive plans that makes use of wills, trusts and other vehicles to facilitate the transfer of wealth to their intended heirs....
Estate planning document storage options
Many Philadelphia residents recognize the need to store their estate planning documents in a secure location. Determining what that location might be, however, is not always so simple. Fortunately, there are a variety of options available that give families...
Philadelphia millennials and estate planning issues
Pausing from the hustle and bustle of daily Philadelphia life to talk about mortality and legal issues is something many young adults might not be doing on a regular basis. However, those of the millennial generation will want to consider the fact that not pursuing...
The role of life insurance in estate planning
When creating their estate plan, many Philadelphia residents fail to understand the impact that life insurance can have on the loved ones that are left behind. In some cases, the lack of life insurance can leave surviving family members in serious financial straits....
Reducing the risk of probate litigation over business matters
For many Pennsylvania business owners, addressing the issue of how to pass on their business to the intended heirs is a top priority. There are a number of options for transferring business interests, all of which share the risk of probate litigation. Finding a...
Wills can guide the distribution of real estate
Many Philadelphia residents have worked long and hard to pay off their home, and plan to pass that asset down to loved ones when the time comes. The manner in which real estate is handled within estate planning can be complicated, however, when the proper steps are...
Estate planning can help avoid negative outcomes
Many Philadelphia residents provide full-time care for elderly family members. Doing so is truly a labor of love and an act of selflessness that is admirable. It is important for family members to understand the full ramifications of caring for a loved one and the...
Are digital wills the wave of the estate planning future?
More and more people are turning to technology to improve their everyday lives, and the applications seem endless. In terms of estate planning, technology offers the chance to create digital wills, which serve to put one's estate plan into a completely digital format....
Will your heirs be able to understand your estate plan?
Estate planning is not a one-time event; the best plans require periodic revisions to include newly acquired assets, changes to a family's structure and improvements in asset protection. As such, an estate plan becomes something of a living entity and will shift and...